Tourism Coalition

The Flint Hills Tourism Coalition is an alliance of tourism marketing agencies from the 22 Flint Hills counties along with Flint Hills Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D), and the Kansas Division of Tourism. Since its inception, the Flint Hills Tourism Coalition has, among many accomplishments:

  • Implemented a Flint Hills branding strategy, created a Flint Hills logo and tag line
  • Completed an initial inventory of the natural resources in the region
  • Initiated a Flint Hills Heritage Story Collection Project; received an Oral History Project Grant from the Kansas Humanities Council
  • Produced and distributed a Flint Hills Heritage brochure
  • Conducted a series of workshops so heritage, preservation, marketing and agritourism with partner organizations
  • Cooperated with the KDOT on planning and placement of the four Interstate Flint Hills Monuments and on additional related signage throughout the Kansas Flint Hills
  • Began publishing a Quarterly Flint Hills Heritage Newsletter
  • Begun to explore the feasibility of a national heritage area designation for the region

  • Begun to explore the feasibility of a visitors center in the Flint HillsLaunched this website at

Website Project Goals

This website was designed with the following objectives in mind:

  • Help Flint Hills residents recognize the treasure in their back yards.
  • Promote conservation and appreciation for the Flint Hills.
  • Promote economic growth and tourism in the Flint Hills.

Our goal is to build a community of Flint Hills enthusiasts, including natives, business owners, attractions, governments, organizations and you! Please enjoy your stay and share your experiences of the Flint Hills. You are also welcome to post in the forums or to email the webmaster.

How do I get my business or event listed? Listings on this site are free, but are handled through a travel and tourism expert by county. Take a look at the Website County Managers and Site Information page, and get in touch with the expert for your area.

 The Flint HillsSupport the Flint Hills Tourism Coalition

Are you passionate about the Flint Hills? Here's how you can help!

Donate to the Friends of the Flint Hills fund. This is a tax-deductable donation! Donations are handled by The Kansas Rural Communities Foundation. You can contribute online here. Please make sure to select "Friends of the Flint Hills Fund" from the list of available funds.